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Ben Model

episode 12: cineconventions, music from out-of-print DVDS, being easy to work with, Marcel Perez review

episode 12: cineconventions, music from out-of-print DVDS, being easy to work with, Marcel Perez review WelcomeSilent Film Sound and Music Archive35th annual/final Cinefest, the future of cineconventionssilent film in a church and at Columbia U. film schoolRecording: from out-of-print DVD… Read More »episode 12: cineconventions, music from out-of-print DVDS, being easy to work with, Marcel Perez review

episode 10: presenting silent films to kids and to seniors, interview with Harry Weiss pt 2, listening to the audience

episode 10: presenting silent films to kids and to seniors, interview with Harry Weiss pt 2, listening to the audience Welcome Silent Film Sound & Music Archive The Cinema Arts Centre on Long Island – “Within Our Gates”, virtual theatre… Read More »episode 10: presenting silent films to kids and to seniors, interview with Harry Weiss pt 2, listening to the audience

episode 9: Boise Philharmonic, musical cross-cutting, interview with Harry Weiss pt 1, inspiration for main themes

episode 9: Boise Philharmonic, musical cross-cutting, interview with Harry Weiss pt 1, inspiration for main themes WelcomeSilent Film Sound & Music ArchiveBoise, ID: working with Boise Philharmonic, playing at the historic Egyptian Theater, showing One Week to 700 5th-gradersRecording: Charley… Read More »episode 9: Boise Philharmonic, musical cross-cutting, interview with Harry Weiss pt 1, inspiration for main themes