Last week was eventful as well. Got the orchestral score for the Nell Shipman The Light On Lookout finished, printed and shipped to Boise by Thurs. During the last couple of days of work on the score more show bookings came in: three shows of the Norma Talmadge comedy Kiki at MoMA (Dec 19, 20, 21), Dreyer’s Love One Another for the NY Jewish Film Festival at Lincoln Center (Jan 13), Lloyd’s Safety Last at the Riverdale YMHA (Jan 26). A couple more have popped up in the last few days: a showing at MoMA of new restorations of shorts starring Bert Williams (Feb 2), a class and show at Simon’s Rock College (Jan 31), Lloyd’s Speedy at the CAC (Jan 8), and a showing of Chaplin’s City Lights in Greenwich CT (Feb 11). The Chaplin show will find me as guest speaker, since the CC family does not allow live accompaniment to his feature films unless you hire an orchestra.
And to top this all off, I’ve been offered two shows in the last day or two that I had to pass on because I was already booked. One at AMMI for Dec 9 (I will be at MoMA playing for Von Sternberg’s Docks of NY), plus a date for another film at the NY Jewish Film Festival. For the latter I gave the festival contact Steve Sterner’s # and understand he is now booked for that show (His People on 1/20); I am already set to accompany the silent Peter Pan at the Burns Film Center in Westchester.
Am still trying to figure out it Facebook is worth being part of. Have had a “presence” there for a few months (I took down my MySpace page some time ago…too much of a pain). So far, Facebook may be worth it. I know my postings about shows on the “Death to Talkies” group caught the eye of one person who came in from Nutley NJ for our show of Wings.
Am very excited about new developments with the Miditzer. There’s a new beta being tested whose graphics much more closely resemble a real theatre organ console, plus there’s a whole ‘nother set of digital samples of ranks being converted to soundfonts. Right now I’m figuring out ways to acquire a touch-screen overlay for my laptop to complete the Midizter experience/package.
It’s been a great year, much to be thankful for tomorrow (Thanksgiving) and the year’s not over yet. Hope to post a videoblog entry next time…
See you at the silents!
Ben Model