Set up of my pair of 16mm Elmo CL’s was easy (as usual), and the print looked great on their screen. We set ’em up with my Da-Lite Project-o-Stand straddling the last row of seats, and use 50mm lenses to fill the screen. The projectors are actually from my 501(c)(3) company, Silent Cinema Presentations (a/k/a The Silent Clowns Film Series), and we’ve had 2-blade shutters put in which makes them 33% brighter. Used my Yamaha DGX keyboard (76-keys, non-weighted) plugged into a small Fender guitar amp.
Below is a photo of the set-up, showing the projectors and the theater (click it to see it bigger).
The show went well, and the score went okay (well, I’m never satisfied). Tried a couple new themes and experimented a bit with where I used Buster’s theme. In my intro I made sure to mention that “The Prisoner’s Song” was a big hit in 1925, something fellow Keaton fan Robert Arkus told me about, having found a recording of it on YouTube. Below is the YouTube clip of Vernon Dalhart’s hit single:
Next show is Phantom of the Opera on Saturday in New Marlborough MA.
Still waiting to hear final details about what I’ll be playing for in Tromsø. I think we’re going to be able to do the Miditzer this year, too, so stay tuned…