The year is winding down and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for reading my blog during the past several months. I’ve gotten a lot out of blogging, and found that what I’d heard about blogging from two podcasts I listen to is true. Most importantly, for me anyway, it’s helped me go from “I can’t write anymore” to “hey, I can write!”.
I kinda fell off the blogging wagon right after Thanksgiving**, and haven’t been able to have the focus to restart the engine, but I expect to after the New Year begins. But I impressed myself by being able to come up with something to write and share a few times a week; sometime more often, sometimes less so. It made the introductions I wrote for two books easier to get done, knowing I’d been able to sit down and knock out something around 500 words long and post it every 2 or 3 days for a bunch of months.
Throwing this verbal spaghetti against the wall has also brought answers to some things I’ve not known. They’ve come in the form of corrections, which I welcome, and in comments from people who’ve turned up one of my posts in a Google search.
Blogging has certainly been more useful for me than posting on social media, where information and ideas waft past users with the ephemeral shelf life of soap bubbles. I’ve danced around the idea of dropping out of social media postings, pulling back from FB almost entirely from August to October. I’ve gotten more out of Twitter, through meeting and interacting with people there via my blog postings there.
I’m going to keep my thinking cap on and see if I can’t find an even better and more effective way to write and post. I’ve been looking for one for my silent film music podcast, and hope that I can find a way to post episodes more than two or three times a year.
Regardless of frequency, blogging in 2019 has been rewarding and satisfying for me. I’m glad these posts have been of some use, information or entertainment for you. And so, once again…thanks for reading this blog in 2019. For reading my posts, for posting comments, for retweeting links to them when I’ve posted them on Twitter to help the ideas spread.
Have a great holiday season!
Best wishes,
** – if you’ve subscribed to the blog and haven’t seen any of my ten or so posts from late October through end of November, I’ve just caught this glitch in the blog and fixed it. To catch up on what you’ve missed, click here.